The most important asset a Judge brings to the courtroom is experience. Overcoming a disadvantaged childhood through hard work, Judge Michael Noland has devoted his life to public service. Whether serving his country as a Navy medic, serving the homeless of Kane County or serving our communities as our State Senator, the vast experience of Mike Noland has given him the ability to be fair, impartial and compassionate when Kane County citizens become involved in complicated civil or criminal matters.
Elected in 2018, Judge Noland has served various divisions in the judicial branch addressing issues such as Traffic & Misdemeanor, Bond Call, Orders of Protection, Child Custody & Support enforcement and Small Claims Courts. Judge Noland continues to volunteer assisting local high school mock trial competitions and making presentations to students about the appropriate and legal use of social media.
Learn More About Michael Noland
Pursuant to Subsection (d) of Section 12 of Article VI of the Illinois Constitution I do hereby declare my candidacy for retention to the office of Circuit Judge for Illinois’ 16th Judicial Circuit, Kane County, Illinois at the general election to be held November 5, 2024.
Vote Yes to Retain Judge Michael Noland

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